General Handyman Repairs

General Handyman Repair Services

General handyman repairs cover a wide range of tasks, from minor fixes to routine maintenance. Here are some common handyman repairs and how to perform them:

1. Fixing Leaky Faucets

Materials and Tools

•Replacement parts (o-rings, washers, cartridges)
•Wrench or pliers
•Plumber’s tape


1.Turn off the water supply: Locate and turn off the valves under the sink.
2.Disassemble the faucet: Use a screwdriver and wrench to remove the handle and other parts.
3.Replace worn parts: Identify the worn-out parts (such as washers or o-rings) and replace them with new ones.
4.Reassemble the faucet: Put all parts back together and tighten.
5.Turn on the water: Turn the water supply back on and test the faucet.

2. Repairing Drywall Holes

Materials and Tools

•Drywall patch kit or drywall sheet
•Joint compound
•Putty knife


1.Prepare the area: Clean the area around the hole.
2.Apply the patch: For small holes, use a patch kit. For larger holes, cut a piece of drywall to fit and secure it with drywall screws.
3.Apply joint compound: Spread joint compound over the patch and smooth it out with a putty knife.
4.Sand the area: Once the compound is dry, sand it smooth.
5.Paint: Paint over the patched area to match the surrounding wall.

3. Fixing a Running Toilet

Materials and Tools

•Replacement flapper or fill valve


1.Turn off the water supply: Shut off the water valve near the base of the toilet.
2.Inspect the flapper: Open the toilet tank and check if the flapper is sealing properly. If not, replace it.
3.Check the fill valve: If the flapper is not the issue, inspect the fill valve and replace it if necessary.
4.Reassemble and test: Turn the water back on and test the toilet to ensure it is no longer running.

4. Unclogging Drains

Materials and Tools

•Drain snake or auger
•Baking soda and vinegar (optional)


1.Use a plunger: Place the plunger over the drain and plunge several times to dislodge the clog.
2.Try a drain snake: If plunging doesn’t work, use a drain snake to reach and break up the clog.
3.Baking soda and vinegar: For minor clogs, pour baking soda followed by vinegar down the drain. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then flush with hot water.

5. Fixing Squeaky Doors

Materials and Tools

•Lubricant (WD-40 or similar)


1.Lubricate the hinges: Apply a small amount of lubricant to the door hinges.
2.Tighten screws: Use a screwdriver to tighten any loose screws on the hinges.

6. Replacing Light Fixtures

Materials and Tools

•New light fixture
•Wire nuts
•Voltage tester


1.Turn off the power: Switch off the power at the circuit breaker.
2.Remove the old fixture: Unscrew and disconnect the old light fixture.
3.Connect the new fixture: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to connect the wires of the new fixture, using wire nuts to secure them.
4.Mount the new fixture: Attach the new fixture to the ceiling or wall and secure it with screws.
5.Turn on the power: Restore power at the circuit breaker and test the new light.

7. Caulking and Sealing

Materials and Tools

•Caulk (silicone or acrylic)
•Caulking gun
•Utility knife
•Caulk smoothing tool


1.Remove old caulk: Use a utility knife to cut away the old caulk.
2.Clean the area: Make sure the surface is clean and dry.
3.Apply new caulk: Load the caulk into the caulking gun and apply a smooth, even bead along the seam.
4.Smooth the caulk: Use a caulk smoothing tool or your finger to smooth the caulk before it dries.

8. Basic Electrical Repairs (e.g., replacing outlets and switches)

Materials and Tools

•New outlet or switch
•Voltage tester
•Wire stripper
•Electrical tape


1.Turn off the power: Switch off the power at the circuit breaker.
2.Remove the cover plate: Use a screwdriver to remove the cover plate of the outlet or switch.
3.Test for power: Use a voltage tester to ensure the power is off.
4.Disconnect the old device: Unscrew and disconnect the wires from the old outlet or switch.
5.Connect the new device: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to connect the wires to the new outlet or switch.
6.Reassemble and test: Secure the new device in the electrical box, replace the cover plate, restore power, and test the device.

Safety Tips

•Always turn off power: Before performing any electrical repairs, ensure the power is off to avoid electrocution.
•Wear protective gear: Use gloves, goggles, and other protective equipment as needed.
•Follow manufacturer instructions: Adhere to all instructions for materials and tools.
•Use the right tools: Ensure you have the appropriate tools for the task to avoid injury or damage.

By following these steps and safety tips, you can handle a wide range of general handyman repairs around your home.

Contact us today to schedule your general handyman repairs service!

Our service area extends throughout London, Strathroy, St. Thomas, Woodstock, Stratford, Dorchester, and surrounding areas.

You can call us today at 519 494 3673 to inquire.

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